Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A phone call

Mom -"Maaarrrria! I can't believe you!"
Me -"Why?"
Mom -"I can't believe you put that on your blog!"
Me-"What are you talking about?"
Mom- "Well, I went to Blockbuster and got True Blood!"
Me-"Did you like it?"
Mom-"OMG, I thought you were a good girl..."
Me-(looking down at my toes now) "I know it's a little racy, but the story is really good"
Mom- "and the beginning (the credits) it's sooooooooo gross"
Me- "I know, Sorry mom, I guess it's not for everyone. It's like a VERY grown up version of Twilight"

Today I will have some new beads on my website, perfect for the 4th of July! I'm off to download pics