Thursday, June 18, 2009

A little Puzzling

Yesterday I spent the day shopping...
Picking up a few things for my party next week, which EVERYONE is invited to...more details about that later though.
But first, I found a book that I think my dad will like.
He's a puzzle lover! Brain teasers, jigsaws, crosswords you name it, he likes them all.
So when I found this book filled with these puzzles, I thought he might like it!
To figure out the word puzzles, you merely read the letters, numbers and symbols aloud.
Keep saying them over and over, until you get it.
Some are easy, some are hard. Each has a picture that can help too. FUN!
So do you know the answer? OH, I DO! I DO!
Oh, wait I have the answers in the back of the book...
(I'll post the answer tomorrow if you can't figure it out)

I also finally signed up on Facebook, I know! Something else to spend countless hours of doing nothing, right? But I thought it would be fun to stay in touch with all of you too!
So feel free to add me to your friends list.
It's all new for me, and a little over whelming too (like anything new)
I made a Facebook badge..over there-->>>
But I can't figure out what the "status" means?
I thought it was married or single, but after I changed mine to married, it still stats "none"?
I'm clueless!